The Acapo colour palette consists of two primary colours, as well as a set of 5 secondary colours. The primary colours, copper and charcoal are to be used as main supporting colours in simple promotional or marketing materials. These two colours are also the two colours to be used in the logo and symbol. For professionally printed marketing materials as well as online materials, the charcoal colour is also used for text. The secondary colours are to be used in larger print publications and the website. These secondary colours are used to support the primary colour pallet. They should be used as background colours, colours on icons, or as colour coding tools (as has been done on the product sheets, where each Acapo product is colour coded to a unique colour.)
Each colour value is given in CMYK and Pantone values (for print) as well as RGB values (for screen). The colour values for each colour can be found in the image above. You can also download an Adobe Illustrator colour swatch files to be used by designers. This file comes in CMYK, RGB, and Pantone.
NCS colour Acapo Charcoal: S 7502–R